
Select the right marketing strategies and locations to reach your customers.

About Buxton

Buxton is a customer analytics platform that helps companies identify who their customers are, where they’re located, and the best marketing channels to reach them.

My Role

I was the first product designer on the Buxton team. At the time, we had a single web application called Scout, a map-based platform that visualizes customer locations to support data-driven decisions. My primary responsibilities included creating design specifications (using Sketch) and building prototypes (using Framer and Webflow).

What I Worked On

  • Scout – A web-based mapping application that shows where customers are located and provides insights for strategic decision-making.
  • TopTenant – An application that helps brokers find a synergistic match between a specific location and a prospective retailer.
  • Mobilytics – A data-intensive application that reveals who lives and works in a given area, giving retailers a deeper understanding of potential customers.

An early prototype for Mobile Insights developed in Framer.
A prototype showing mobile data in a block group area. Prototyped with react and Mapbox.
A prototype showing different trade areas and which segmentation class resides inside of it. Prototyped with Mapbox and Framer.